General Store
The Refuge Cove General Store is the only grocery store in a deep-water harbour in Desolation Sound. During the summer, the store is well stocked with block and cube (best on the coast) ice, groceries, marine hardware, souvenirs, local books, fuel, tackle, and ice cream novelties and cones!
Colin, one of the store’s owners, stands in front of the well-stocked deli case.
Marine Fuel
Refuge Cove Store operates a fuel dock year-round. The fuel dock provides ethanol free gasoline, diesel, and motor oil including outboard oil, as well as propane. The fuel dock is open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from June 1st to September 15th. During July and August, the store and fuel dock are open an additional hour to 6:00 PM. The rest of the year, the fuel dock is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM.
Customers browse a great selection of fresh produce, groceries, and supplies.

The fuel dock serves boaters year-round.
Overnight moorage is available year-round for $2.00 per foot (as of summer, 2024). Visitors can pay at the store or use the self-serve drop box when the store is closed.